انگریزی تراجم

A New Round of the Qadiani Issue

مولانا ابوعمار زاہد الراشدی

Hon'ble Chief Justice has reserved judgment on the case about Qadianis in the Supreme Court. A respected judge of the Lahore High Court has reviewed the case and deleted his remarks due to public protest after writing the Qadianis as a sect of Muslims in a decision of a case. And now the country's well-known journalist and intellectual Mr. Mujibur Rahman Shami has raised the question of the alleged civil rights of the Qadianis in a broadcast and has asked Maulana Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani, Maulana Fazlur Rahman and Maulana Mufti Muneebur Rahman to take a mutual stance in...

The Pseudo-Believers of the State of Madina

مولانا ابوعمار زاہد الراشدی

According to a Riwayat (report) in Bukhari Sharif, Hazrat Saad bin Ubada (RA) said that before the arrival of the Prophet (PBUH) in Medina, the tribes of this region had decided to establish a government. Abdullah bin Ubai was chosen as its head, but before his coronation, the Messenger of Allah arrived (may Allah honor him and grant him peace) causing the establishment of this government to fall into disrepair. Hazrat Saad Bin Ubada RA has described this area as "Ahl Hazihil Bahirah" (inhabitants of this sea belt) which is the sea belt from Medina to the...

Should Israel be Recognized?

مولانا ابوعمار زاہد الراشدی

The reasons for opposing recognition of Israel and diplomatic relations with it are varied: ❶ For example, the main reason is that the settlement of Jews in Palestine did not take place with the consent of the population that has been there for centuries, that is, the Palestinians. Rather, the British occupied this region in 1917 and settled the Jews in Palestine on the basis of military...

The Role of Iran in the Middle East War

مولانا ابوعمار زاہد الراشدی

The Secretary General of Pakistan Shariah Council, Maulana Zahid ur Rashidi gave a statement on the situation created by the attack of Iran on Israel that it is a part of the war, which needs to be understood in the light of facts. He said that there are three major parties or stakeholders in the Middle...

Regarding Muslim World League`s Conference Invitation

مولانا ابوعمار زاہد الراشدی

I hope this letter finds you well. I extend my warm regards to you. I am writing to express my gratitude for the invitation to the conference organized by the World Islamic League, which is scheduled to take place in Islamabad on April 14, 2024. The conference aims to focus on interfaith harmony...

Quaid-e-Azam`s Vision of Pakistan

مولانا ابوعمار زاہد الراشدی

Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was the great political leader of the Muslims of South Asia, whose efforts created an Islamic state in the name of Pakistan at a time when the world was at the peak of ending the relationship between religion and the state. Even the Ottoman Empire, which represented the Islamic Caliphate, had lost its existence. And Turkey, the center of the Ottoman Caliphate, following Europe, broke the relationship of Islam with the state and collective affairs of the society and took the form of a secular...

Election 2002: Our Expectations from Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal

مولانا ابوعمار زاہد الراشدی

Question: What are your impressions about the success of Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal in the recent general elections of Pakistan? Answer: I think Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal was well received by the public for two reasons. One is because of their unity that the history of half a century of Pakistan is a witness that whenever religious circles and religious schools of thought have united and raised the voice of the nation for a common cause, the nation has never disappointed...

Pakistan’s National Stability and Integrity: Five Circles

مولانا ابوعمار زاہد الراشدی

Following are the excerpts from the speech of Maulana Zahid ur Rashidi at Istahkam-e-Pakistan Seminar held by Markazi Ulema Council of Pakistan on Jan 19, 2024. The topic of discussion was the integrity and stability of Pakistan from the lens of five relevant circles with a sense of obligations and imperatives under prevailing...
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