A Glimpse of Human Rights in Islam

Verse 36 of Surah al-Nisa outlines both the rights of Allah and the rights of His servants. Given the contemporary emphasis on human rights and the perceived limitations of Islam's approach in certain circles, this verse offers a valuable perspective.
The verse initially directs believers to worship Allah alone, prohibiting all forms of Shirk. This is the most fundamental right of Allah and the cornerstone of fulfilling His due. A person's life, the greatest gift, enables him/her to benefit from other blessings. As this life is bestowed by Allah, gratitude, obedience to His commandments, and refraining from associating partners with Him become paramount responsibilities.
Then the verse emphasizes on the importance of treating parents with kindness. This theme is echoed throughout the Quran, often paired with discussions of monotheism and servitude. Commentators explain that while Allah is the ultimate creator, parents serve as immediate cause of a person's life. Therefore, after fulfilling one's obligations to Allah, honoring and obeying parents becomes a priority. 
It's essential to note that acknowledging Allah's oneness and serving Him encompasses all aspects of Islamic law, including the rights of Allah, His Messenger, and others. True worship involves not only performing specific rituals but also adhering to the Quran and Sunnah in all aspects of life.
The verse then identifies the individuals whom Allah has designated as deserving of human kindness:
  • Close relatives
  • Orphan children
  • Indigent and poor people
  • Neighbors who are also relatives
  • Neighbors who are not relatives
  • Companions and fellow travelers
  • Passengers and guests
  • Slaves and subordinates
The verse concludes by emphasizing that neglect of the rights of Allah and His servants is considered arrogance and boasting in His sight. Just as neglecting Allah's service is a sign of arrogance, disregarding the rights of His creations is equivalent to boastfulness and contempt for humanity.
The Prophet's example sheds light on the significance of observing social rights. In a gathering, with a young child on his right and an elderly companion on his left, the Prophet was offered a drink. After finishing, he wanted to give the remaining drink to the elderly companion. However, recognizing the child's right, he asked for permission. The child responded by asserting his right to the Prophet's blessing.
The narrator, Sahl bin Saeed RA, recounts that upon hearing the child's response, the Prophet placed the cup in the child's hand with a gesture that conveyed displeasure. This incident underscores the Prophet's emphasis on the importance of mutual rights. Despite his desire to give the cup to the elderly companion, he recognized the child's right and respected it. By doing this, the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) taught us the level of significance with regard to mutual rights.
Our greatest challenge today is our own ignorance of the Quran's teachings and our failure to share them with the world. If we were to do so, the Quran's comprehensive and balanced approach to rights would be unparalleled in any global system.


انگریزی تراجم

(الشریعہ — اکتوبر ۲۰۲۴ء)

الشریعہ — اکتوبر ۲۰۲۴ء

جلد ۳۵ ۔ شمارہ ۱۰

قراردادِ مقاصد کا پس منظر اور پیش منظر
مولانا ابوعمار زاہد الراشدی

دستور میں حکومتی ترامیم: ملی مجلسِ شرعی کا موقف
ڈاکٹر محمد امین

اردو تراجمِ قرآن پر ایک نظر (۱۱۷)
ڈاکٹر محی الدین غازی

انسانیت کے بنیادی اخلاق اربعہ (۱)
شیخ التفسیر مولانا صوفی عبد الحمید سواتیؒ

مسئلہ جبر و قدر: متکلمین کا طریقہ بحث
ڈاکٹر محمد زاہد صدیق مغل

’’اقوالِ محمودؒ‘‘ سے ’’نکہتِ گُل‘‘
مولانا فضل الرحمٰن

علما کیا خاموش ہو جائیں؟
خورشید احمد ندیم

مدارس دینیہ میں تدریسِ فقہ: چند غور طلب پہلو
ڈاکٹر عبد الحی ابڑو

اہلِ کتاب خواتین سے نکاح: جواز و عدم جواز کی بحث
مولانا ڈاکٹر محمد وارث مظہری

جارج برنارڈشا کی پیشِین گوئی
حامد میر

سید مخدوم اشرف جہانگیر سمنانی، اردو کے پہلے ادیب و مصنّف
طفیل احمد مصباحی

صحابیاتؓ کے اسلوبِ دعوت و تربیت کی روشنی میں پاکستانی خواتین کی کردار سازی (۲)
عبد اللہ صغیر آسیؔ

حضرت الشفاء رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہا
مولانا جمیل اختر جلیلی ندوی

افغانستان میں طالبان حکومت کے تین سال
عبد الباسط خان

سائنس یا الحاد؟
ہلال خان ناصر

ختمِ نبوت کانفرنس مینار پاکستان پر مبارکباد
مولانا ابوعمار زاہد الراشدی

A Glimpse of Human Rights in Islam
مولانا ابوعمار زاہد الراشدی




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